Tranzitii economice, PD Aligica, Nicolas SpulberEconomic Transitions. Dialogues with Nicolas Spulber [Romanian title: Tranzitii economice] Editura Humanitas, Bucharest, 2004.
A book of conversations introducing to the Romanian public the life and work of Nicolas Spulber (1920-2003): French then American scholar of Romanian-Jewish origin, journalist, publicist, member of the French Resistance, scholar and professor of comparative economic systems at MIT and Indiana University Bloomington, cold warrior and poetry lover. Mentor and friend.

Economie Epistemologie Previziune - Tiberiu Schatteles Economics, Epistemology and Forecasting. The Collected Works of Tiberiu Schatteles, edited by Paul Dragos Aligica and Horia Terpe [Romanian title: Economie, epistemologie si previziune] Editura Tritonic, Bucharest.

An attempt to ignite the interest in the work of one of the most original and profound economists and social theorists writing during the Romanian communist era.

Provocari Liberale - PD Aligica, Valeriu StoicaThe Challenge of Liberalism (with Valeriu Stoica) [Romanian title: Provocari liberale] Editura Humanitas, Bucharest. 

A book of dialogues with Valeriu Stoica (Professor of Law, University of Bucharest, former President of the Romanian National Liberal Party, former Deputy Prime Minister of Romania and Minister of Justice) on the nature and prospects of liberalism in Romania and Eastern Europe.

Reconstructia Dreptei - PD Aligica, Valeriu StoicaThe Reconstruction of the Right [Romanian title: Reconstructia Dreptei]. Editura Humanitas, Bucharest, 2009.

Co-authored with Valeriu Stoica (Professor of Law, University of Bucharest, former President of the Romanian National Liberal Party, former Deputy Prime Minister of Romania and Minister of Justice) the book discusses the principles, strategies and challenges involved in reconstructing the Romanian center-right politics on classical liberal lines:

Limitele stiintei economice si redefinirea frontierelor disciplinareThe Limits of Economics and the Redefinition of the Disciplinary Boundaries [Romanian title: Limitele stiintei economice si redefinirea frontierelor disciplinare] Editura Politeia, National School for Political Sciences and Public Administration, Bucharest.

An introduction to the developments taking place at the interface between sociology and economics: institutional theory, rational choice imperialism, socio-economics etc. presented and discussed for an audience not very familiar with the domain. Based on my doctoral work at the University of Bucharest.

Economia-globala-ca-proces---PD-AligicaThe Global Economy as a Process. Institutional Structure, Systemic Expansion and Economic Performance in the Global Economy [Romanian title: Economia globala ca proces. Structura institutionala, expansiune sistemica si performanta economica in economia mondiala,] Editura Academiei de Stiinte Economice, Bucharest.

Economic history themes, old and new, development theory and institutionalism loosely organized around two questions: What do economic history and development theory teach us about globalization? What are the lessons to be learned from these literatures regarding the present and future of the national economy of a country like Romania? Based on my doctoral work at the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest.



Titles translated into English

  • “Strategic Decision Making in Conditions of Uncertainty” (with  Marian Zulean) in Politici de securitate nationala (editor M. Zulean and L. A. Ghica) Polirom, Iasi, 2007
  • “Institutions, Economic Governance and Economic Performance in Post-Communist Romania” in Modificari Structurale si Performata Economica in Romania, Editura Institutului Roman de Libera Initiativa, Bucharest, 2003
  • “Austrian Economics and the European Enlargement Process” in Hayek: O Evaluare, (ed. Adrian Paul Iliescu), editura Polirom, Iasi, 2001
  • “Creativity, Invention, Risk: Notes on a Neglected Feature of the Western Economy” in Problemele Globalizarii in Perspectiva Istoriei Economice, Editura Academiei de Stiinte Economice, Bucharest, 2001
  • “Schumpeter: Socialism, Capitalism and Democracy” in Dictionar al gindirii politice, ed. Laurentiu Stefan Scalat, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti, 2000
  • “An Introduction to Economic Liberalism” in Doctrine Politice, ed. Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Editura Polirom, Iasi, 1998
  • “The Overdue Keynesian Revolution in Romania” Revista Romana de Stiinte Politice PolSci, Vol.1, Numarul 1, 2001
  • “On Economics and Economists” Oeconomica, vol.4, no.2, 2001
  • The Political Economy of the Romanian Economic Policy, Societatea Academica Romana Occasional Paper, Bucharest, 2000
  • “European Economic Integration and Eastern European Politics” Polis, vol. 7, nr.1, 2000
  • USA-Romanian Economic Relations. An Overview, Institutul Roman de Studii Politice si Economice Occasional Paper, Bucharest, 2000
  • “Crafting the Third World: Joseph Love on Romanian Structuralism”, Polis, vol. 7, nr.2, 2000
  • “Redefining the State”, Sfera politicii, nr.2, 1999
  • “The Tension between the Economic Development Policies and the Economic Integration Policies. Romania’s Case” Politica Externa, nr.1, 1999
  • Economic Policy and Political Economy. Exploratory Analysis of the Political Economy of Romanian Economic Policy Making, Societatea Academica Romana Occasional Paper, Bucharest, 1999
  • “D.C. North’s Contribution to the Development of the New Economic History”, Istoria Economiei, no.1, 1998
  • “Models of Man in Social Sciences”, Polis, vol.4, nr.4, 1997
  • The Intellectual Infrastructure of the Romanian Political System: Think Tanks and Public Policy in Post-communist Romania, Societatea Academica Romana, Bucuresti Occasional Paper, 1997
  • “Keynesism and Transition Economic Policies”, Polis, vol.4, no.2, 1997
  • “Theories of Value, Theories of Distribution, Ricardism and Socialism”, Polis, no.1, 1996
  • “The Economic Foundations of Socialism”, Polis, no.1, 1996
  • “The Third Way”, Revista de cercetari sociale, no.2, 1995
  • “Notes on Elite Theory”, Polis, no. 3, 1995
  • ”Socio-economics, an Alternative to Neo-Classical Economics” Revista de cercetari sociale, no.1, 1994
  • “Economics and Sociology: Redefining their Disciplinary Boundaries” Revista de cercetari sociale, no.4, 1994.